20 Percent Project Week #3

Hello my name is Derek and today on April nineteenth was the third day of working on my twenty percent project. If you don’t know I’m learning Japanese for my project. I’m learning Japanese through duolingo and if you don’t know what that is its this app that help you learn new languages, math, and music. For today I was learning the characters like the letters and also learning how to draw them. While working on my twenty percent project I only encountered no struggles so I was happy. I learned two new characters and about 5 new words but the biggest accomplishment I had doing duolingo was getting to ruby league. In duolingo there you are rewarded with this point system called “xp” also there is a ranking system. And what does “xp” do it moves you up in a leader board with others that are learning the same language as you. So If you get a lot of xp you move up if you get the least amount of xp in the leaderboard you move down. For next week I want to learn more of the Japenese character. See you next week

20% Project Week 2

Hi my name is Derek M and today on 4/12/24 was the second full day in class to work on the 20 percent project. I’m learning in class Japanese through duolingo and today I got to unit 2 (for duolingo) which is also called introduce yourself order food and drink. For my accomplishments I learned how to say hello, nice to meet you, person, and my name is. While going learning through duolingo the only struggle I went through was multiple ads and yes I know there is a free trial to remove ads and more but I’m not paying for that so you just have to deal with it. For my goal for the next time I will be working on this which will be on 4/18/24 I want to learn some of the letters as well as draw them because I’ve been learning the words not the letters.

Spring Break

During spring break I went to Big Bear. When I was there my family was there along with my parent’s friends. While we were in big bear we went snow boarding and only the kids in the family went and it was all of our first times. So when we got there it was very cold but I did not bring anything. Fortunately my parent’s friends had a comfy jacket and gloves so I was good. Once we got all of our jackets and gloves on we went to go get our snow boards and boots. So once we were all done with getting prepared we could finally learn how to snow board because we had to get a teacher to help us learn. So once we were all finally done with all of that we were on our own so I went with my friend Gavin and I looked at the mountain and it was huge but we were only going to the middle of it not the top so we went to the top with a ski lift. And I went down and I was going fast a bit too fast for my liking but I forgot too mention the teacher didn’t mention how to stop so I was nearing the end so I put my hand on the snow and crouched and it worked so I was satisfied but we went on the ski lift again. But when Gavin was putting his air pods in he dropped his glove out off the ski lift. So once we got off he zoomed off. He got it and we were relived.

20 Percent Project Week 1

Hello my name is Derek and at my school I am doing the 20 percent project. For the project I am learning Japanese as much words as I can. Today on April 5th was my first day learning. For my learning I installed the duolingo app and I learned the following words in Japanese teacher, student, people one through eight, cool, lawyer, kind, doctor, and, water, rice, and green tea. There were a couple struggles likes adds and remembering the japenese grammar for example the word “it’s” goes at the end of the sentence and de su also known as its means he’s she’s and its and when speaking in japenese there is no word “a” so there are something you have to remember when learning and speaking in japenese which is a lot to remember. For the future I hope to learn more words in Japanese see you next week.

Dinner with Three People

If I could invite three people to dinner I would invite Abel Batman, and Jaden. I would invite Abel (my friend) because he’s very silly and funny also goofy and he’s cool to be around. I would invite Batman (a super hero) because he is my idol he’s someone to lookup to because he’s Batman. And finally I would invite Jayden (also my friend) because like Abel Jaden is very silly and funny but Jayden likes Mac and cheese. Overall these people are very silly and funny to have dinner with.